Active Markdown / API

(Generated from this markdown source.)

The ActiveMarkdown module contains the function for parsing Active Markdown to HTML markup. It can be accessed in Node using require 'active-markdown'. Also, the activemarkdown-x.y.z.js viewer asset includes the module, providing parsing capability in the browser.

.parse(source, options={})

The source is a string of Markdown to be parsed. The options are given as an Object, and describe the configuration for that document.

Basic usage

Compile the raw markdown string to HTML.

output_html = ActiveMarkdown.parse(md_source)


The defaults are

wrap                : true
collapsed_code      : false
title               : undefined
debug               : false
input_file_name     : undefined
libraries           : 'reference'

If not using the default template, all of the options besides wrap will have no effect. Also, libraries has no effect in-browser.

Option: wrap

Wrap the compiled Markdown in the default template, or using the specified markup. Possible values are true (default), false, ['before', 'after'], { before: 'before', after: 'after' }.

Option: collapsed_code

Set the Active Code Blocks to be collapsed by default. Possible values are true, false (default).

Option: title

Specify the title for the document, if using the default template. If not specified (default), the input_file_name is used as the document title.

Option: debug

Enable debug mode, if using the default template. Possible values are true, false (default).

Debug mode uses unminified libraries, and provides error feedback when invalid configurations are encountered.

Option: input_file_name

Specify the name of the source file, if using the default template. Inserted in an info comment at the beginning of the document. Also used as the title, if none is specified.

Option: libraries

Set the mode for including the viewer script and style libraries. Possible values are:

Note: when used in-browser, libraries are always included by reference.

# ActiveMarkdown API The `ActiveMarkdown` module contains the function for parsing Active Markdown to HTML markup. It can be accessed in Node using `require 'active-markdown'`. Also, the `activemarkdown-x.y.z.js` viewer asset includes the module, providing parsing capability in the browser. ## `.parse(source, options={})` The `source` is a string of Markdown to be parsed. The options are given as an Object, and describe the configuration for that document. ### Basic usage Compile the raw markdown string to HTML. output_html = ActiveMarkdown.parse(md_source) ### Options The defaults are ```coffeescript wrap : true collapsed_code : false title : undefined debug : false input_file_name : undefined libraries : 'reference' ``` If not using the default template, all of the options besides `wrap` will have no effect. Also, `libraries` has no effect in-browser. #### Option: `wrap` Wrap the compiled Markdown in the default template, or using the specified markup. Possible values are `true` (default), `false`, `['before', 'after']`, `{ before: 'before', after: 'after' }`. * Use the default markup wrapping, which includes the script and style libraries for the active markdown elements. ```coffeescript output_html = ActiveMarkdown.parse(md_source, wrap: true) ``` * Provide alternate markup to wrap the output in. ```coffeescript output_html = ActiveMarkdown.parse(md_source, wrap: [before, after]) ``` ```coffeescript output_html = ActiveMarkdown.parse md_source, wrap: before: before after: after ``` #### Option: `collapsed_code` Set the *Active Code Blocks* to be collapsed by default. Possible values are `true`, `false` (default). #### Option: `title` Specify the title for the document, if using the default template. If not specified (default), the `input_file_name` is used as the document title. #### Option: `debug` Enable debug mode, if using the default template. Possible values are `true`, `false` (default). Debug mode uses unminified libraries, and provides error feedback when invalid configurations are encountered. #### Option: `input_file_name` Specify the name of the source file, if using the default template. Inserted in an info comment at the beginning of the document. Also used as the title, if none is specified. #### Option: `libraries` Set the mode for including the viewer script and style libraries. Possible values are: * `'reference'` (default) - scripts and styles are included as script and link tags that point to the assets hosted on ``, specifically `` `` or in debug mode `` `` * `'relative'` - reference scripts and styles, but using relative URLs to a a local copy of the asset files. * `'inline'` - include the scripts and styles directly in the page, as script and style tags. Note: when used in-browser, libraries are always included by reference.